Dear Parents:
Our primary concern is always the health and safety of our children, families, and teachers.
We are closely following the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), local governments, and public health agencies. Our center is currently doing the following to keep everyone safe and healthy while providing quality care.
- Parents and children 2 years and above must wear face coverings during pickup and drop off.
- Persons whose temperature reads 100.4 0 or above or displays other signs of illness are not permitted to stay in the facility.
- Parents utilize a touchless app to sign children in and out.
- Only one parent can enter the lobby and must exit out of a separate door. Parents must not have any physical interactions with any adults.
- We make proper handwashing a priority.
- Hand Sanitizer has been placed at the entrance of the facility for parents to use. Anyone entering our building will be required to use it, prior to entering and then follow-up with proper handwashing in the classrooms.
- We continue to follow our health and safety protocols, maintaining a clean environment and following universal health precautions.
- We are increasing the frequency of our sanitization procedures.
- All family events, parent/teacher conferences, field trips, and swimming have been canceled until further notice.
- No water fountains are to be used.
- Parent tours will be limited, and parents touring will not be allowed to enter classrooms. We are strongly encouraging the use of a virtual tour.
- Children that may become ill throughout the day or that develop a fever will be placed in isolation. Parents must pick up the child within 1 hour.
- All classrooms including equipment and toys will be sanitized throughout the day.
- Frequently high touched surfaces are to be disinfected hourly throughout the day during non-peak times and every 15-20 minutes during peak times(arrival/departure). Examples: walls, tables, shelves, sinks, toilets, trash cans, doorknobs, keyboards, etc.
- Teachers are required to wear face coverings or face shields throughout the day.
- Children over the age of 2 should wear a face covering, if tolerable, throughout the day with the exception of outdoor time, meals and naps.
- Playground use will be separated by 30 minutes or the playground will be sanitized between groups
- Rooms have been arranged so children will have more spaces to explore and play individually.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided in every room.
- All soft plush toys that can harbor germs and cannot be readily cleaned are removed from the classroom Enrollment is being built back up slowly to give staff, children, and parents the chance to acclimate to the new rules.
- Meals will be plated to each child and no longer served family-style.
We are committed to keeping your children safe while in our care and reassuring you that we are taking added precautions.
Thank you in advance for you continuing to support the center through this transition. This is truly a new time for all. Please be patient as the CDC, Illinois Department of Health and DCFS are constantly modifying guidance and guidelines based on the latest information about the virus. As we change, we will ensure we are communicating changes to procedures.
Thank you,
Judi Patzelt